Saturday, August 7, 2010

Episode 50


Sorry it's taken me so long to put up a new episode. This one has taken me a while to process. I've also decided to get away from San Francisco for a while, so I'm going on the road. I'm not exactly sure where I'll end up, but I'm going to try and post episodes more frequently.

Thanks for watching,


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DVD update

Thanks to everyone who asked for a DVD of ISLAND. I was really surprised by how many of you wanted to see it, and how much great feedback I got. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be sending out any more DVD's right now. I've been busy getting the rights to some of the music and footage that I've used in ISLAND because Paul wants to include it as a bonus feature in his next DVD, What I Can't See 3. I'll keep you all posted about the progress of it and when it should be coming out.

Thanks for watching,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What I've been working on...

I know some of you think I'm lazy, and maybe I am, but
I've been working on a more-or-less feature length version
of Island.

It's finally done. You can watch the intro if you go to
my "official" website. Just click on the link over there
on the right.

To thank you all for your patience in between my posts,
if you like what you see, I'll be happy to send you a copy
of the whole thing. It's a dvd that lasts around 70 minutes.

It's been crazy putting it together, kind of like a gigantic
jigsaw puzzle. I'm still not sure if it really works, but
I'm hoping some of you will watch it and send me comments.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Episode Posted

It's one of the oddest episodes, I think. And one of the
longest (nearly 10 minutes long).

It's posted in my main site (click on the link over
there to the right ---> ).

I just got word that I've been invited to show ISLAND
in a Berlin Adult Film Festival. I don't have any
information about it yet, but I'll post the details
once I get them.

I hope you guys are all enjoying Spring. Here
in SF it's been cold and wet but really


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Photos of a Martial Artist

I was in New York for a week, but am back and working on a series
of new "Island" episodes. The first will be going up this coming

In the meantime, here are stills from another photo shoot that I
did with Paul Morris.

The model was a very interesting man. He's extremely tall (at least 6' 4").
He towered over me.

In addition to martial arts, he also does tattoos. He
did all of his own tattoos (including the tattoos that
cover his cock).

Here are three photos I took of him:

And here are two photos that Paul took of the same man:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Photos of a Restaurant Worker

A few weeks ago I shot some photos with Paul of a guy who
works at a fancy restaurant down in Palo Alto, a town south
of San Francisco.

Here are a couple of photos I took of him:

And here are two photos that Paul took of the same guy:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Photos of Jess

Paul often hires guys so we can photograph them. I've lost
count of the number of men we've shot, but it's usually
one or two a week.

First Paul takes shots of the model. Then he hands
the camera to me and I shoot for a while. Sometimes
Nick or Elliott take a few shots, but only if
they're interested in the model. At the end of the
shoot, Paul always takes a few more shots, but only
two or three.

I've decided to start posting some of my photos here.
These are a few shots I took this week of a guy named

To give you a feel for our different styles, I'm also
posting a photo of Jess by Paul and a photo of him
taken by Nick.

Hope you like them!


Here's a photo that Nick took of Jess:

And this is a photo that Paul took of Jess:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A new post called "Irony"

I've posted a new episode, a brief one called
"Irony". It's kind of different from other
posts I've done.

You can see it by clicking on the link to my
main site, over there on the right.

Hope you like it!


ps: to the really cool guys who wrote to me,
yeah, I'm pretty surprised that guys get
so upset. But like one poster said, it's
probably a good sign that the episodes are

Friday, February 26, 2010

New Episode Posted!

I've posted a brand-new episode on the main site
(the link is over there to the right --> )

Paul has a new obsession, a powerlifter
he photographed this week. Apparently
I'm going to be videotaping the powerlifter
during one of his work-outs.

I'm not that familiar with gym culture
(I've never worked out in my life), but
this should be pretty interesting.

That'll probably be the focus of my
next episode.

Thanks to all of you who've written to me.
I'm seriously grateful that you take the
time to watch the stuff I'm making and
give me great criticism and comments.
It means a lot to me.

I hope you like the new episode!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The new episode is posted

I've (finally) posted a new episode. It's on the official
site (click on the link over there on the right).

I'm going to Las Vegas this weekend with Paul, Nick and
Elliott. I'm hoping to shoot a lot of "behind the scenes"
footage for next week's episode.

My apologies to everyone for not responding to the comments,
here and on the main site. I read them all, actually,
every day. It means a lot to me that guys take
the time to tell me what they think, even if it's
negative. But I never seem to respond to them.
Honestly, I'm just not good at

It's cool that Jay saw me on the street. I do live in the
Haight. If you see me around town, definitely say hello.
It'd be fun to meet some of you guys.

Anyway, I hope you like the new episode.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Episode (on my main site)

I finally finished a new episode. I don't
know why I'm so damned slow. My apologies
to anyone who is watching. My plan is to
get one done per week.

That's also what Paul wants, so that's
what'll happen. He isn't exactly a tyrant,
I guess, but he has a way of making you
want to do things, and do them well.

So if you click on the link over there
on the right, it'll take you to the
other site.

Thanks for your patience, and
thanks to all of you who wrote comments
or emails to me. I'm an idiot about
responding, so I'm sorry about that!

And yes, I'm drinking a lot more these
days. I think that's just part of living
in San Francisco. People here take drinking
very seriously.
